Kwaci Sunflowers, Nutrient Rich Healthy Foods ~ World Food and Drink

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Kwaci Sunflowers, Nutrient Rich Healthy Foods

What comes to your mind when imagining 'kwaci sunflower'? Perhaps you think, 'Ah, snacks class suburb, junk food. Nah no nutrition! '. After reading this article you will have a different view, because believe it or not, kwaci sunflower is a healthy food rich in nutrients!

Source of Vitamin E

Kwaci sunflower is one source of vitamin E is very good. Enough about 60 grams of sunflower kwaci (without skin) needed to meet the body's need for vitamin E every day. The women usually already know some of the properties of vitamin E such as for skin regeneration, smooths and makes your skin younger and beautiful. But vitamin E has many functions and other properties are very important.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant which is important for the body. He spread throughout the body to neutralize free radicals that can damage cells and also improve the structure of damaged DNA. To fulfill the requirement of vitamin E can reduce the symptoms of asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatism. It also reportedly can reduce colon cancer risk, reduce levels of heartburn symptoms that are often experienced by menopausal women, and reduce the complications of diabetes. Vitamin E is also known to help fight bad cholesterol (LDL) cholesterol in the blood. And some research suggests that increased consumption of vitamin E can boost the immune system.

Rich in Magnesium, Selenium, and Copper

Magnesium is needed for healthy bones and energy production. Approximately two-thirds of the body's levels of magnesium are found in our bones. Some are used to strengthen bone structure, and the rest is stored on the surface of the bone that can di'ambil 'if at any time needed. Magnesium works to balance the body's calcium, which helps muscles and nerves are more relaxed, and prevent muscle spasms.

Several studies have shown that magnesium helps reduce the symptoms of asthma, lower blood pressure, and prevent headaches / migraines, but also reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Selenium, along with vitamin E, helps maintain healthy skin, hair and eyes as well. It is also believed to enhance the detoxification of the body and help prevent cancer. Copper is required for the formation of blood and bone, the production of melanin pigment of skin and hair, and the release of energy from food.

Folic acid for the fetus

For women who want to become pregnant, should consume lots of foods containing folic acid (folic acid) at least two months before planning a pregnancy. Folic acid is essential for the formation and development of red blood cells and brain cells in the fetus that begins to form at weeks 3-4 of pregnancy. Folic acid is also known to work to prevent the risk of babies born with neural tube defects and to lower blood homocysteine ​​levels. High homocysteine ​​levels are known as risk factors for heart disease. Folic acid deficiency are at risk of babies born with neural tube caca / brain and spinal cord.

Containing Multivitamins and Minerals

In addition to those mentioned above, kwaci sunflower also contains various vitamins and other minerals such as vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B5, manganese, and phosphorus.

Low Cholesterol

In general, sunflower grown by many families to decorate your garden or front yard. The width yellow flowers like full sun with ornaments resembling rays around it, making this plant more suitable as a sweetener in the eye.

Herbaceous short-lived (less than a year) is growing up as high as 1 to 3 meters with fine hairs on all parts. Single heart-shaped leaves with large flowers resembling the cup. Crown-shaped flowers that blanketed the band-like plate on the edge. Right in the middle there are the small flowers are tubular and brown. And even including trunked plants wet, even sunflower was more 'comfortable' planted in an area that gets lots of sunlight.

Based on data from the Nutrition Directorate of the Ministry of Health, sunflower seeds turned out to contain a fairly complete nutrition. It contains vegetable oil with low cholesterol levels, making it suitable to be consumed those who have high blood pressure or heart abnormalities.

Olive Oil Equivalent

Sunflower seed oil quality is assessed almost on par with olive oil. He therefore widely used as a substitute for vegetable oils. And the best kualatis of sunflower oil is obtained from varieties of black beans with the oil content of about 50 to 60 percent.

From some of the literature is also known, nutritious sunflower seeds diuretic (peluruh urine), expectorant, and can be used to relieve fever, flu, cough, sore throat, or lung disease. According to Hartwell (1967-1971), an expert in botany and herbal medicine from the United States, flowers and sunflower seeds have long been used as traditional medicine by the citizens of Venezuela to treat cancer. Sometimes, they also mix it with wine.

Meanwhile, in the eyes of Dr. Setiawan Dalimarta, author of medicinal plants and also chairman of the Field Services and Application Development Center for Traditional Medicine (Sentra P3T) of Jakarta, all parts of the sunflower turns out to have medicinal properties. He said, 'The flowers can be used for lowering high blood pressure and reduce pain or are analgesic. For example, to reduce headache, toothache, menstrual pain, or stomach pain. '

He added that the seeds could be to increase appetite, treat bloody dysentery, measles relieve pain, or enhance. From several sources, Dr. Setiawan also know that the roots useful for urinary tract infections, inflammation of the airways, whooping cough and whitish. The leaves are useful for malaria and anti-inflammatory.

In an experiment known, the marrow from stem and flower base (reseptaculum) containing hemicellulose was successfully inhibit ehrlich asitic sarcoma and carcinoma in mice. 'Therefore it can also be used to treat cancer, for example kaker gastric and esophageal cancer,' says Dr Setiawan.

Sunflower seeds are one of the largest oil resources, especially oil that can be eaten. But other than that of sunflower oil are usually used as an ingredient of margarine, soaps, lubricants, lighting, and salad dressings. When mixed with linseed oil, sunflower oil is semi-finished materials usually also diajadikan as paint or varnish.

Not only that. Sunflower leaves were also commonly used to feed livestock. Medium stalks contain fiber that is often used for paper materials. Currently, also being conducted research on the possible use of sunflower oil for diesel fuel.

Dangers for Pregnant Women

With all its benefits, it turns out there are some things to consider when consuming or using sunflower oil. 'The most important thing is not to be taken by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, "Dr. message. Amarullah H. Siregar, MSc, PhD, a naturopathic and homeopathic. That's because the sunflower contained a substance called inulin that serves to expand and launch an organ or respiratory tract, so it can be harmful to the baby.

But, according to Dr. Siregar, until now he has not heard of cases of poisoning for adults who consume them. 'You could say sunflower is relatively safe. Moreover, it contains many minerals, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium are beneficial for the body, 'he said. But, he cautioned, the use of sunflower or other traditional medicines will be more secure if consulted with a doctor or specialist.


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