7 Type Rich Fruit Juice Benefits ~ World Food and Drink

Thursday, November 24, 2011

7 Type Rich Fruit Juice Benefits

In a health article, I had read about the 7 types of fruit juices rich in properties for kesehatn us. Where it is noted that, scientists have found the efficacy of various fruits they will be, such as antioxidant-rich pomegranate juice good for the heart.

They also say that, just by drinking 1 cup / day may improve blood flow by 1 / 3.

There was also loaded on the types of fruit juices rich in virtue, which has health benefits, namely:

1. Pomegranate juice

Benefits: helps the heart, where the pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants that help prevent blockages in the arteries by cholesterol. Pomegranate juice is also connected with the prevention of prostate cancer.

This juice comes with vitamins A, C and E and folic acid are important in the early stages of pregnancy.

2. Orange juice

Benefits: for the immune system, protection against anemia. The best source of vitamin C and also a source of folic acid, so that pregnant women should drink it in considerable amounts.

Drinking orange juice with meals increases uptake of iron for protection against anemia. New research suggests drinking a glass of orange juice / day, it also helps prevent the occurrence of arthritis (arthritis).

3. Grapefruit juice

Benefits: for the immune system. Rich in vitamin C, grapefruit is a kind of citrus fruit and therefore rich in beta-carotene. This helps protect the skin from damage by free radicals.

But their use is avoided when we're in the medication. Grapefruit juice contains a substance which can slow the breakdown of some drugs.

This causes an increase in the amount of drug in the bloodstream, thus increasing its effect.

4. Cider

Benefits: for energy; cardiac protection. Rich in flavonoids that help protect the heart. Having 1 / 3 orange juice vitamin C levels. Contain much sugar fructose.

But their use is avoided in children, because it can lead to complaints of stomach upset. But within certain limits can still be tolerated, which is important not to overdo.

5. Pineapple juice

Benefits: for digestion. This fruit contains the enzyme bromelain, which helps digest protein and fruit also contains natural sugars for energy boost. Containing 11 mg of vitamin C/100 ml.

6. Tomato juice

Benefits: To attenuate the body; men's health. Juice to thin it only contains 50 kalori/250 ml. The juice also contains bioflavonoids which help strengthen capillary blood vessels, so it does not cause leaks in blood vessels and the formation of bags that contain water in the skin that causes cellulite. And lycopene in tomatoes has been associated with decreased risk of prostate cancer.

But its use should be avoided in individuals with high blood pressure, because the tomato juice contains high levels of salt.

7. Cranberry juice

Benefits: Prevent the occurrence of cystitis (bladder inflammation). Proanthocyanidin in the cranberry juice stopped harmful bacteria adhesion to the bladder wall, thus lowering the risk of urinary tract infections.

This juice contains vitamin C in very high levels, and the juice is sold with the addition of sugar, because the bitter taste without adding sugar.

Its use is avoided in patients who use anti-clotting drugs is warfarin. This was stated by the Committee on Safety of Medicines, as it can increase the risk of hemorrhage.

Hopefully useful!


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