Nutrient Content of the Green Bean ~ World Food and Drink

Friday, November 25, 2011

Nutrient Content of the Green Bean

Green beans have a fairly high protein content, as many as 24%. In it there are sources of important minerals such as calcium and phosphorus are beneficial for strengthening bones. Fat is an unsaturated fatty acid so good for the heart. Also safe for consumption by those who have problems with weight due to low content of weakness.
Green beans contain vitamin B1 which serves to prevent the disease beriberi, helping the process of growth, increase appetite, improve digestive tract, and maximizing the nerve. There is research that states that a group of people who lack enough food containing vitamin B1, such as green beans, in a short time the symptoms appear irritable, unable to concentrate, and less vibrant. These symptoms are similar to the signs of stress.
In addition to vitamin B1, green beans also contain vitamin B2 whose job it helps the absorption of protein in the body. The presence of vitamin B2 will increase the utilization of the protein so that absorption becomes more efficient.
In addition, the fat contained in the green beans were low enough for those who want to do this diet could be the right choice with a variety of ways and forms of presentation. For example green beans made into porridge, ice, cake, or as an additive in certain types of beverages such as ice or ice mixed stoned.

Oh yes, just additional information, other than peanuts, mung bean sprouts also have equally important benefits include:

Sprouts antioxidants help slow the aging process
Preventing the spread of cancer cells
The content of vitamin E to help improve fertility
Very good to keep the acidity of stomach acid and digestion
Useful for the beauty that is rejuvenating and smoothing the skin, remove black stains on the face, acne cure, nourish hair and body slimming.

Recipe: Green Bean Porridge


250 grams green beans, soaked with water 2 hours in a covered container
500 ml of water
100 grams of brown sugar, comb
1 tablespoon cornstarch, dissolved in 2 tablespoons water
1 / 2 tsp vanilla esence
150 ml thick coconut milk
granulated sugar


100 grams of cooked jackfruit; slices small small
100 grams kolang fro; wash and then drain
2 pieces of pandan leaf

 How to make

Boil water, put the green beans.
Reduce heat, cover and leave until beans become tender.
Enter the sugar, pandan, vanilla, salt, jackfruit, and fro, and coconut milk, stir
Increase heat to boiling
Add sugar if not sweet
Enter the cornstarch solution, stir quickly and then immediately lift after the porridge thickens.


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