Polluted environments often associated with free radicals, compounds suspected as one cause of cancer.
Hydrogen peroxide, superoxide anion, and hydroxyl are examples of free radicals. The molecule is very unstable, highly reactive, and tissue damage. He has not helpless when face to face with antioxidants.
Of biomolecular research proved the cellular level, antioxidants can protect tissues from the negative effects of free radicals. These antioxidants are formed in the cells of our body (intracellular), some are formed from the outer cells of the body (extracellular), one of the food. To help the inability of the body's antioxidant system one of them caused by pollution researchers looking for some natural compounds in plants that also acts as an antioxidant. Apparently antioxidants can be obtained from several kinds of vegetables and fruits.
Three plant foods rich in antioxidants is proven takokak Solanum tarvum, petai Parkia speciosa, and young leaves of cashew Anacardium occidentale. In Medicinal Plants: Quality Herbal Products for Healthy Living (1999), Vimala S. et al. states, the three foodstuffs that have a high activity of superoxide cleaners, ie above 70%.
Young fruit takokak Sundanese community known as a salad raw or cooked vegetables. The Javanese call it poka or cepoka, terongan, cong eel, or cokowana. In Sumatra known as eggplant finches. Fruits and leaves of this plant contain steroidal alkaloid types solasodin 0.84% which is the raw material of sex hormones for contraception. Also has anti-inflammatory compounds as sterols carpesterol.
Banana seeds are also known as a cure of liver disease (hepatalgia), edema, inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis), diabetes, and as peluruh worms (antelmintik). The leaves are used as medicine jaundice. Savor it allegedly related to the content alkaloidnya. Petai also has some sulfur compounds that cause odor.
The young leaves are usually eaten raw cashew nuts as a salad or boiled into a vegetable. Other parts of this plant can also be used as traditional medicine sore skin, cleaning the mouth, and laxatives.
Apart from these three food before, antioxidants can also be obtained from plant sources of vitamin A, vitamin C, and selenium. Vitamin A is one of the cleaners of superoxide in the mucous membranes. By taking vitamin D regularly, the risk of lung cancer can be reduced. This vitamin is usually found in vegetables and fruits such as red or yellow carrots and papaya.
Vitamin C is also an important antioxidant to protect cells and tissues from damaging superoxide. This vitamin also enhances the immune system. He is widely available in orange and guava.
Selenium is a micronutrient in grains and beans. This material was obtained plants from the soil. Selenium is important in the synthesis of the body's natural antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione peroxide to eliminate superoxide anions.
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