This is the reason Stew Noodles Water Must be Disposed ~ World Food and Drink

Monday, January 9, 2012

This is the reason Stew Noodles Water Must be Disposed

Instant noodle is one of the foods that are most easily found, practical, and well liked by many people because it tastes good. A long shelf power also makes instant noodles often be the choice for those who live alone, but do not have time to cook.

Even so, eating too much instant noodles will allegedly cause many negative effects to the body by as preservatives or flavoring ingredients taste. Then, in addition to carbohydrate content, instant noodles do not contain enough vitamins, minerals, or fiber, which is beneficial for the body. So, basically instant noodles do not have enough nutrients for the human body's nutritional balance.

"But the most dangerous is the content of preservatives, MSG (monosodium glutamate), and food coloring agent that is in instant noodles," said Dr. Patricia Wijaya, a specialist beauty of Beauty Inc.. to Compass Female, after the launch of a new instant noodle products at Swiss Bel Hotel, Central Jakarta, Sunday (01/08/2012) then.

Hazardous ingredients in instant noodles is derived from the processing until the preservation process is done in a way to fry noodles until dry. The frying process usually used cooking oil, which makes cooking water becomes cloudy and a bit greasy when boiled.

"A lot of people who say that this first cooking water should be discarded in order to preserved missing. But preservatives actually will not go away, "said Dr. Patricia.

Instant noodle cooking water will first remove the oil and other chemicals that may be used to make. However, preservatives and other content that is harmful to health when further processing will not go away 100 percent. He will only be reduced slightly when first cooking water discarded.

Oil content, preservatives, MSG, and the dye will remain attached to the instant noodles even though the levels are already reduced by several percent. You need to know, use of preservatives is not always dangerous, because the manufacturers of instant noodles safe course must follow the standards established Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). But the content of these chemicals is still potential to cause various health problems when consumed regularly. "The effect is indeed perceived long-term effects, such as indigestion, constipation, indigestion to cancer, and others," he said.

In the long run, these chemicals will also be very dangerous for the beauty of the face and skin. The skin becomes more dry, that would cause various symptoms of premature aging. In addition, instant noodles will also ruin your diet program, because of the high calorie content. Once again, one should not enjoy the instant noodles, but should not be consumed too often. Do not make instant noodles as a main dish, but rather as an interlude snacks only. Keep eating foods with balanced nutrition for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


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