Efficacy mushrooms for a healthy body is proven. Besides containing a wide range of essential amino acids, fats, minerals, and vitamins, there is also an important substance that affects the medical aspects. Since the last centuries, mushrooms have become a special diet that many people become fans.
It's hereditary societies of Japan and China complement the menu with the fungus. Not only delicacy of flavor, but also high in nutritional value. The ancient Greeks believed, eating fungus causes a person to become stronger and healthier. The result they are more powerful, brave and mighty. Pharaoh, King of Egypt's famous infamous, heavy hobbyist eat mushrooms. So special, it's called the king of mushrooms as a food of the gods.
Nutrient content
Not only tasty, mushrooms have a pretty good nutritional content. The chemical composition contained depending on the type and place of growth. From the results of the study, an average of mushrooms contain 19-35 percent protein. Compared to rice (7.38 percent) and wheat (13.2 percent), it is higher protein yield. Essential amino acid found in mushrooms, around there are nine types of the 20 known amino acids. What is special about 72 percent unsaturated fat, mushrooms also contain various kinds of vitamins, including B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavine), niacin and biotin. In addition to micro elements, mushrooms also contain various types of minerals, including K, P, Ca, Na, Mg, and Cu. Fiber content from 7.4 to 24.6 percent starting very good for digestion. Mushrooms have a very low calorie content making it suitable for dieters.
The results of studies at Massachusetts University concluded that riboflavin, Nicotinat acid, Pantothenat, and biotin (Vitamin B) is still well maintained even though mushrooms are cooked. The results of the Beta Glucan Health Center said that the oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) contain compounds Pleuran (in Japanese, oyster mushroom fungus called Hiratake as medicine), contains a protein (19-30 percent), carbohydrates (50-60 percent), amino acids , vitamin B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (panthotenat acid), B7 (biotin), Vit C and the minerals Calcium, Iron, Mg, Phosphorus, K, P, S, Zn. Can also as antitumor, lowers cholesterol, and antioxidants.
Researchers from Ujagar Group (India) expressed, that the oyster mushroom has a very good nutritional value with reason: 100 percent vegetables and clean; contains high protein and vitamin-mineral-rich; low-carbohydrate, fat and calories; good for the liver, patients with diabetes , and lose weight; high fiber helps digestion; antiviral and anticancer; easy to cook and easy to digest; and oyster mushroom is a fungus that most mushrooms tasty than other food.
From the results of research the Department of Science, the Ministry of Industry of Thailand, oyster mushrooms (Oyster mushroom) have content: 5.94 percent protein, carbohydrates 50.59 percent, 1.56 percent fiber, fat 0.17 percent, 1.14 percent ash. Per 100 grams of fresh oyster mushrooms, containing 45.65 calories, 8.9 milligrams (mg) of calcium, 1.9 mg iron, 17.0 mg of phosphorus, 0.15 mg vitamin B-1, 0.75 mg vitamin B- 2, and 12.40 mg of Vitamin C. Mushrooms also contain folic acid which is high enough, supposedly able to cure anemia.
For comparison, of soy foods fiber-rich and also as a source of various nutrients such as calcium, Vitamin B and iron, have the following contents: 204 calories, 17 grams protein, 8 grams fat, 15 grams carbohydrates, 80 mg calium, Fe (Iron) 2 mg, and 0.2 mg Zn.
Can be compared to chicken meat protein content 18.2 grams, 25.0 grams fat, 0.0 grams carbohydrate yet and Vitamin C is also 0.0 grams. Thus, nutritional yeast is still more complete, so no one when it is said the fungus is food of the future.
Stated that cancer researchers suggest that humans should not eat red meat more than three ounces per day or less. The meat is beef, buffalo, goats, and pigs that can lead to higher risk as a cause of colon cancer, and also the possibility of breast, prostate, pancreas, stomach, and kidney cancer. Small chance of getting cancer if eating chicken and fish, and in some cases can even fight cancer. In this connection, to the happy eating burgers recommended interspersed with chicken, seafood, vegetables, and mushrooms (Anonympus, 1999).
Currently some fungi used as a drug to fight cholesterol, cancer, and AIDS. Active compounds contained mushrooms reportedly can be as anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiviral can boost the immune system and can kill insects and nematodes. In 1960, the researchers managed to find the influence of some fungi as anti-tumor. The active component in question is polysaccharida, and in particular is a Beta - D - glucans. As a standardized product of the oyster mushroom (ostreatus and P. eryngii Plurotus) called Plovastin the market as a cholesterol-lowering supplement. The active component of Plovastin are statins, are both inhibit the metabolism of cholesterol in the human body (Itzkovich, 2001).
The results of the study Bobek (1999) from the Research Institute of Nutrition Bratislava on "Natural products with anti-oxidant hypolipemic and effect". Studies have been conducted on a group with 57 male: female = 1:1, age middle-aged, with the case hyperlipoproteinemia. During one month they consume 10 grams of oyster mushrooms on a regular basis. Conclusion, statistically very promising, namely serum cholesterol and down 12.6 percent and 27.2 percent triglycerol down. Oyster mushrooms also have antioxidant effects with lower results in peroxidation in erythrocytes.
The following are types of fungi and their benefits
1.Champignon mushrooms, vegetable protein source. and able to reduce the risk of blockage of coronary arteries in patients with hypertension and heart disease due to cholesterol. Can be used as raw materials of cosmetics and skin smoothing formula medicine.
2.Oyster mushrooms, a vegetable sources that do not contain cholesterol, and can prevent the onset of hypertension and heart disease, can reduce weight and diabetes, can also cure anemia, anti-tumor, and can prevent iron deficiency.
3.Ear Mushrooms, shaped like ears, mucus is highly efficacious neutralizing the toxins contained in foodstuffs, making blood circulation in your body to be smooth, so we do not have the heart to work too hard.
4.Merang mushrooms, many contain antibiotics that are useful for the prevention of anemia, lowers high blood pressure, and can be a prevention of cancer. Eritadenin the mushroom known as detoxification.
Shiitake mushrooms, usefulness, can relieve symptoms of influenza, can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, leukemia and rheumatic, and able to reduce cholesterol levels.
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